Sunday Worship Services 9:00am & 11:00am Watch online at 3pm HERE

Dig Deeper Group

Thursdays @ 7pm

Get Connected with The Schaller Group

WHEN: Thursdays @ 7pm

WHERE: 11390 Rugby Hill Dr., Redding

CONTACT: Larry & Donna Schaller @ [email protected]

Since the inception of Digging Deeper, we have acted on the premise that 'Everything good comes from Right Relationships; with our Creator, Savior, Sanctifier, spouse, family, neighbors, and even strangers'. We choose to dig deeper into the scripture shared and taught from Sunday's message; What does it say, mean, & how to apply God's Word. We are a mix of ages, and welcome new member participation at any time. We also enjoy Worship, Praise, Prayer and strong Fellowship to include several specific outreaches.