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Seek Fast Day 9

Feeling The Presence Of God



The Kingdom of God is the uniting point of heaven and earth. It is where the physical and spiritual realities come together. As a result, if we are going to have a clear view of the Kingdom of God we must be able to perceive it with both our physical and spiritual senses. While we are well rehearsed at viewing things with our physical senses we’re often not as adept at using our spiritual senses. 

One spiritual sense is the ability to feel the presence of God. This is closely related to anxiety, because when we feel and know God is near, all anxiety is washed away. As a matter of fact, feeling the presence of God allows us to enjoy all the fruit of the Spirit. When we know He is with us, we enjoy love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

Scripture tells us that in order to feel God’s presence we must first be still (Ps. 46:10). The more busy and hurried we are, the less we will be able to tap into our spiritual sense of feeling. Those who feel the presence of God move at a slower pace and accomplish so much more. The second way to hone our spiritual sense of touch, is to spend time reflecting on and proclaiming the character of God. Try reading aloud Psalm 27 and ask Jesus to manifest Himself by allowing you to sense and feel His presence. 


Heavenly Father, thank You that You choose to dwell with Your people, both now and forever. Thank You that I’ve been born of both water and spirit, and as a result Your Spirit dwells within me. Help me develop my spiritual senses so that I can become more aware of You and Your Kingdom. Manifest Your presence within me in a way I can’t deny or explain away. Come Lord, and reveal Yourself to me!


Psalm 27 by Motion Worship
Psalm 46
Be Still