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Seek Fast Day 2

“PURIFY MY HEART”: Purify the Temple - Getting rid of idols.




In today’s scripture reading, you will read about King Josiah. Josiah was one of the greatest kings because he acted with complete obedience to God’s Word.

The two wicked kings who reigned before him, Manasseh and Amon, had brought the whole nation down into the grossest idolatry that they had ever practiced. It was Josiah's reforms that brought about a welcome change. First Josiah removed the cause of the nation's weakness - Idolatry! Every idol and altar of Baal worship was systematically removed from the kingdom (34:3-5). Secondly, Josiah restored the Word of God to the people of Judah. He gathered them all together, read it to them, and led them in making a commitment to live in obedience to the Word of God. Through his example, God reveals that renewal starts with full obedience to His Word. Josiah’s reforms included the restoration of the Temple for proper worship and God reveals that renewal also requires a restored worship focused on God that is guided by His Word. Upon hearing God’s Word, Josiah felt convicted and repented for God’s people. God reveals that renewal requires the conviction of sin and repentance and the removal of idols in our lives.   Examine your heart today:

  • Idolatry – Power & Control
  • Who or what controls your everyday life and decisions?
  • If God told you to quit your job or move to another town would you go?
  • Idolatry - Money
  • Who or what dictates how you spend your money?
  • If God asked you to give your whole paycheck to His work would you do it?
  • Idolatry – Honor & Legacy
  • Who or what determines your reputation?
  • If God told you to do something that goes against common sense or would look foolish to others, would you do it?
  • Idolatry – Intellect & Logic
  • Who or what directs what you believe to be true?
  • If God manifest Himself in a way that goes against your philosophy and theological perspective, would you accept it as being from Him?


Lord, use these Scriptures, songs and questions to reveal the parts of my life that are ruled by something or someone other than you. I want to worship you alone.. Come and take your proper place on the throne of my life. Amen.


Purify My Heart (Refiner’s Fire)
I Shall Not Want