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Seek Fast Day 14

Seeking the Kingdom Now



In Jesus’ instructions on how to pray, He invites us to ask for God’s Kingdom to come and God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus is declaring that heaven and earth are meant to be one and since He’s encouraging us to pray for this union right now, we can expect that we will see it happen. We will see God’s will done. We will participate in physical, spiritual, emotional and relational healing, here and now. We will witness the dividing lines between His Kingdom and earthly kingdoms be erased. It will happen in our own lives and in our communities. God will wipe away our tears and mourning will dissipate. We will experience the dwelling place of God being with us and enjoy the great privilege of being His people. All of this is not just a future hope, it also can be a current reality. 

While certainly, the fullness of the joining of heaven and earth will not be encountered until the return of Jesus, we can enjoy pieces of it now. Furthermore, we can help usher in the glorious realities of the Eternal Kingdom right now. Whenever God’s will is done in our heart, whenever He empowers us to live Kingdom ways, eternity is experienced. When we love our enemies His Kingdom has come. When we turn the other cheek, His will is done. When we devote time to sit with our Father and listen to His whisper in our ear, He is dwelling with us and we are His. The coming of the Kingdom of God is not far off in the distance, in all these small yet legitimate ways, it is here right now. The question is, are we experiencing it?

Every sweet taste of the goodness of God, the Kingdom is here. Every whiff of God’s truth, the Kingdom is here. Whenever we see and join Jesus in His work, the Kingdom is here. Each Word spoken to our heart, mind, body and soul, His Kingdom is here. Every comforting hug and peace filled caress of the presence of God reveals His Kingdom is here, indeed. Let us Seek His Kingdom and the evidence that it is here even now. Let us Seek His will to be done in our life and in our community. Let us Seek to join Jesus in building and strengthening His kingdom today!


Oh Lord, I’m desperate to see Your kingdom come and Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to be more aware of the moments and the places where Your kingdom is already being manifest. But even more so, help me to Seek Your Kingdom and to join You in bringing Your kingdom in my life and in my community. I can’t do it without You. So please come, dwell within me and empower me to do Your will each day. All for Your glory!!


Psalm 34
What I Was Made For
God With Us