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Seek Fast Day 13

Tasting the Goodness of God



“God is good”

“All the Time”

“All the Time”

“God is good”

Many of us have probably spoken this verbal exchange many times at church. And it's a declaration that's been around for quite some time. But, how many of us have a hard time grasping this truth? Is God good all the time? 

When our world is in chaos and destruction, and even our own lives are disrupted with hard circumstances, we often ask the age old questions, “Why? How can God be good if he allows this and this to happen?”

We can approach this with two options: allow the hurt, disappointment, and confusion to build a wall in our heart, separating us from God, or go to Him with all of it – bringing a renewal of His goodness into our life.

We can not always see the big picture. We will not always understand the “why?” But, we can be assured that God is still good. We are to trust in the Lord and remember He is always good no matter the circumstances. 

Because God is good, God will always act in alignment with his character. That means, God will always act with goodness in ways that make us better, strengthen us, heal us and restore us.

His promise to us through the prophet Jeremiah. “I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 31:14)

God’s goodness is abundant (Exodus 34:6, Psalm 31:19). His goodness is always with us (Psalm 23:6). Everything good comes from God (James 1:17). He fills our hungry souls with good things (Psalm 107:8-9). He is good, does good, and gives good gifts to his children (Psalm 119:68, Luke 11:13).

The Lord wants to bless us with good things. He is Jehovah Jireh (Provider). It is WHO He is…. Let us take some time to learn to recognize God’s goodness, especially on days when the world’s brokenness and pain seem to have the last word.

When we recognize God’s goodness, then even on those hard days, we will be able to see God working for the betterment of his people.  It’s not always easy to recognize God’s goodness.  One way to see God’s goodness is to keep a simple goodness log. Each day take one minute to reflect and write down how you have seen God’s goodness over the last 24 hours. (Remember the examen from earlier devotional?) How have you seen something made better? How have you seen healing or restoration? How have you seen yourself or someone else grow or be strengthened? How has something been made right?

We “taste” or experience His goodness and really get to know Him by spending time with Him and in His Word. And once we taste His goodness, we realize nothing else will ever satisfy or sustain us like He can!  He is good and He does good. There may be times the hand of God can seem a mystery, but know your Father’s heart, and know you can trust His goodness! He will satisfy your every need. 


You, Oh Lord, are a good, good Father. Thank you for Your abundant provision and how You pay attention to the slightest details of my life. I give You praise for every good and perfect gift. For life and for breath in my lungs. For relationships with people who support and encourage me. For the many possessions and modern-day comforts. For my strengths and giftings. And most of all for your amazing mercy and grace. Help me, Lord, to always taste your goodness, even when life is filled with bitterness.


Honey In The Rock
Psalm 90 (Satisfy Us With Your Love)
Goodness of God