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Seek Fast Day 11

Seeing the Work of God



We believe Jesus is constantly at work building and strengthening His Kingdom. As His followers, if we are going to enjoy our intimate relationship with Him, we will join Him in His work. But in order to do so, we must have spiritual eyes to see what He is doing. 

Having spiritual vision is really important when the world is filled with chaos, division and destruction. Many Christians, who are only using their physical eyes to see, end up being filled with fear by what they see with their physical eyes and as a result end up responding just like the rest of the world. If we are going to walk with Jesus, if we are going to join Jesus in what He’s doing, we must be able to see what’s happening with our spiritual eyes. 

Developing spiritual vision starts with turning our attention to Jesus. When we turn our eyes to Jesus, He polarizes our vision. If you’ve ever looked through polarized lenses before you get what I’m saying. Polarized lenses are especially effective when looking at bodies of water. With our naked eye, the water reflects the light and clouds our vision. But when we put on the polarized glasses the glare is removed. When we look at the world through Jesus, He removes the glare so we can see what’s under the surface. If we want to know what is happening in the spiritual realm, we have to keep our spiritual eyes on Jesus. 

Another tool that helps us see spiritually, is to not just turn our attention to Jesus, but to ask Him to open our eyes. The prayer of examen is a helpful practice in this regard. This simple prayer, at the end of our day, allows us to reflect with Jesus about the varying events. We start by asking Jesus to show us where He was at work throughout our day, and then recall each moment of our day one by one and listen. The more we do this, the more we will see how He is working in our life and in the life of others. It will also hone our spiritual vision so we can become more aware, in the moment, of what Jesus is doing and more able to immediately join Him in it. 


Lord, thank You that You are always working. I long to work alongside You, but in order to do so I need to see with Your perspective. Help me to turn my attention more fully to You, especially when the world around me is filled with division and despair. Remove the glare of fear and anxiousness, so I can see how You are working to bring life, love and blessing to the world. Then, empower me to join You in building Your Kingdom and reaping the harvest that You have prepared!


Your Will Be Done
Jesus Have It All