Sunday Worship Services 9:00am & 11:00am Watch online at 3pm HERE


Trinity Alliance Women,


You are invited to be a Prayer Sister. This is a way to connect with God and each other at the heart level. As a Prayer Sister, you will be paired up with another Trinity Sister to pray alongside with for personal and family needs, and encouragement. You can meet however you want; through email, text, phone calls, at a coffee shop, at your house, on a walk, while crafting together, the possibilities are endless.


We are partnering with Prayer Sisters International to guide us on our journey to become Prayer Sisters. When you are paired with your sister you will each receive a 12-lesson prayer guide. This will give you something to read together, and then lead you into a discussion on how to pray for each other that day. This is just a simple guide to help you out and give you a plan when you meet. You can choose to use the plan or not. That is the beauty of it, each partner group can be individualized for your comfort zone, time allotment and how God leads you. There are no rules.


Our prayer for you is that you build a strong bond of friendship with a Trinity sister. We also pray that through fellowship and prayer you will feel God’s presence and see His hand on your lives.


In Christ’s Love,

Your Women’s Ministry Team

If you would like to participate to be matched up with a prayer sister, fill out a sign up sheet!

Click on the button below, download the PDF file to your computer, fill out the form on your computer, save it, and email it in an attachment back to the church office at [email protected].