Sunday Worship Services 9:00am & 11:00am Watch online at 3pm HERE

Pray For...

  • John Murillo - making a good recovery. Pray for increased appetite.
  • Sonny Rose - continued recovery
  • Kathey Kakiuchi - recovering from foot surgery
  • Bob Vonhof - 3 upcoming neurological appointments
  • Jess and Johnny, (neighbors of Lorena Babcock), and their baby girl Kiah, which means 'God gives strength. Kiah was born at 24 weeks and will remain in hospital until mid-March.
  • Approval of the immigration request for Ed, Anna and baby Michelle, from Ukraine.

On Sunday (November 3rd) Pastor Shawn asked the body to pray for 3 things in particular:

  1. For the Harvest of 50,00 souls in Redding, California, the US and the World ( in line with the 50:50 Vision that was shared in March)
  2. For God's will, and God's Kingdom to be done in our lives and in our church
  3. For the immediate need that the budget deficient be erased